Atiba Mbiwan
Wed 11/25/15 6:09 PM
Didi Ndando ; Egbe Monjimbo
Ebob Tanyi
Dear Mbiwan Sisters,
Acha Birthday Greetings!
My intent all along was to purchase my “Cameroon homecoming ticket” on a special day and it has arrived – Acha’s birthday! This was my gift to him and to me and to you three.
Attached is an email message with the details of my flight arrival (leaving Atlanta on 12/16 and arriving at Douala International Airport on 12/17) and departure (leaving Douala International Airport on 12/27 at 11:55 pm), which was designed with the “Tentative Programme For Atiba’s Visit” in mind.
Please let me know if there is any logistical problem with my flight arrangements or other travel considerations.
I will take care of my Yellow Fever Vaccine, visa and other logistics over the next three weeks so that I can see you beautiful sisters and other family members back home in the mother land!
In the meantime, I hope that Egbe and Didi’s families will enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S., while I take it easy at home as I countdown to December 16th…
One Love,
Atiba Mbiwan
Wed 12/02/15 10:12 PM
Didi Ndando ; Ebob Tanyi
Cc:; Egbe Monjimbo
I finally accomplished the one task that I did not think would be such a challenge – getting the Yellow Fever Vaccine!
Evidently, Egbe was on it when she mentioned that there is a national shortage because it is being felt in Atlanta, but Passport Health came through just in time.
Anyway, I was vaccinated today and I sent my yellow card verification along with my visa application to the Cameroon Embassy.
Hopefully, it will be processed and my visa and passport will be back in my hands by December 16th.
Keeping the faith,
Atiba Mbiwan
Sun 11/29/15 10:28 AM
Ebob Tanyi
Didi Ndando; Egbe Monjimbo;
Sister Ebob
As you well know, my upcoming visit to Cameroon is the trip that I have been waiting for my entire adult life!
Nevertheless, it will be the first time and not the last time I visit Cameroon, according to my life plan.
This trip is a solo adventure, for a variety of reasons, but my next visit will definitely include my children who carry on the Mbiwan name.
Using the time frame provided in the itinerary that was shared with me for our June conference call (Tentative Programme for Atiba's Visit: December 2015), including the associated assumptions, I made my flight arrangements.
Unfortunately, my job has a limit on vacation days and I have reached it for the 2015 year, so I cannot extend my visit beyond the 27th December because I have to be at work on the 29th December.
One Love,
Brother Atiba
Atiba Mbiwan
Wed 12/09/15 3:53 PM
Ebob Tanyi; Didi Ndando; Egbe Monjimbo
Eyere Takor
My Mbiwan Sisters
Good news – my passport with the Cameroon visa arrived at my office today!
I have one week before my flight departs from Atlanta so the countdown begins.
Please let me know if you have any advice regarding clothing, money or any issue that I should act upon to prepare for my trip to Cameroon.
Looking forward to our reunion,
Brother Atiba