My CLASS OG 1981 CLASSMATES and I woke up on Wednesday, APRIL 1st 2020 to the following text on our WhatsApp forum from MAJOR VIVIEN FONJONG - the very one SakerPride had just featured, resplendent in her UNITED STATES MILITARY UNIFORM (complete with her RN, BBA, BSN, MBA, DHA. U.S. Army Nurse Corp. ), in a collage of HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS just a few days prior, to APPRECIATE and THANK them for their diligent and faithful service:
"My Dear Sisters, Please Pray for me. I tested positive for the CORONA VIRUS. PRAY. PRAY."
Now, THAT plain sucked the very air out of my lungs!!!
Re-read that BOMBSHELL of a line and in the process, noticed that the DATE was, after everything, APRIL 1st - as in, APRIL FOOL'S DAY, so, even though I knew that it was VERY, VERY UNLIKELY that a HIGHLY TRAINED and RANKED MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL of MAJOR FONJONG's caliber would "joke around carelessly like dat" at SUCH A TIME AS THIS, I sent her a (private) text saying, "Wetin you dey hambock place wit dis kine April Fool, noh?"
Turned out it wasn't NO APRIL FOOL; NOT AT ALL!
She was admitted in the MICU of the VA HOSPITAL in WASHINGTON, DC from March 30th to April 6th - and is now convalescing, bursting at the seams with GRATITUDE to GOD - first and foremost, then to the VALIANT, COMPETENT and UNDAUNTED NURSES and DOCTORS at the VA MEDICAL CENTER, PROMINENT amongst whom was (and still is) CLASS OF 1982's MARIE PENDIE (RN) who led the "rescue mission", to her COMMANDER, (Lady) COLONEL Mc MURRY, and to her Classmates, her ExSSA-DC/ExSSA-USA Sisters, Family, Friends, Church Members and all who STORMED HEAVEN'S PORTALS on her behalf!
She sent Ma SakerPride a few pictures that tell her COVID-19 STORY in a nutshell - OXYGEN, HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE and all, and requested that she put them together somehow and SHARE, SHARE, SHARE!
Can't begin to say how GLAD I am that she made that decision!!!
Because, among other reasons,
- GOD DOES DESERVE THE PUBLIC GRATITUDE for answering our FERVENT PRAYERS when many others have not been so blessed!
- This goes a long way to dispel the TOTALLY UNJUSTIFIED & UNFAIR STIGMA surrounding COVID-19 which might lead some to hesitate to get themselves checked when they do NOT feel OK and, worse still, "hide" the fact that they have tested positive, thereby ENDANGERING the lives of those they come in contact with! And ...
- It gives HOPE to others who are either already battling the condition or who will, in the days ahead, that they too can TROUNCE COVID-19 and LIVE to tell their own story!!!!!
Don't know where this ranks in terms of GOOD TIDINGS OF GREAT JOY that shall be unto all peoples, but UNTO US has definitely been re-born a SISTER OF OURS, and we REJOICE with her, even as we REMEMBER the families of those for whom the experience has not been similar!